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Fifi, a two-year-old Pitbull, was rushed to Rainier Veterinary Hospital on April 17, 2020 after experiencing life-threatening complications delivering her puppies. It was determined by the medical team that the best solution was to help Fifi by performing an emergency caesarean section to birth the remainder of her puppies. Happily, Fifi did quite well in surgery and was able to be sent home to recover with her puppies.

Unfortunately, what happened next is a common complication with pets after surgery. Fifi had managed to get her protective cone off and open her surgical site*. Now she needed to be rushed back to the hospital for emergency surgery to repair what was damaged. With puppies in tow, Fifi was now back at the hospital and in serious condition.


Fifi’s family is quite dedicated to her care, but they had already spent their savings on the initial surgery and now, faced with the cost of another surgery, they didn’t know what to do. Luckily that is where the Rainier Animal Fund (RAF) was able to step in.

The family applied for, and was granted, a RAF grant to help cover the cost of the second surgery. With the cost concerns set aside, Fifi’s family was able to focus on her care and ensuring the puppies had what they needed while they awaited their mom’s return.

We are happy to share that the surgery went well and Fifi and her pups are now back at home, on the mend and being CLOSELY monitored to ensure they all remain healthy and have a bright future ahead.

RAF-grant-fifiBig thank you to our donors for giving Fifi and her puppies a chance for long, healthy life.

(*It is important to note that we recognize families’ do the best they can with ensuring their pet is protected and compliant with doctor orders after a major surgery, but sometimes, even with the best support, a pet can find its way to undo what has been done.)

To learn more about RAF grants, please visit our grant program page for more information.

Rainier Animal Fund

The Rainier Animal Fund works to ensure veterinary care is accessible to Western Washington pets, so that they might thrive and live healthy, happy lives with the people who love them. This 501(c)(3) organization provides low cost and free medical veterinary care to families and pets in need through vaccine, health, and spay/neuter clinics.

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